Davis Controls Celebrates 90 Years

90th Anniversary plaque from Premier Doug Ford

When C.R. Davis founded Davis Controls Ltd. 90 years ago in 1933, he could not have envisioned the dynamic, high-tech company it has become. Mr. Davis provided boiler and refrigeration services in downtown Toronto, and Davis Controls continues to hold a leading position in Canadian Instrument and Control markets. From head office facilities in Oakville, ON and other strategic locations across the country, Davis Controls supports and connects customers, suppliers and sales representatives from coast to coast.

Davis Controls has provided the best in water flow measurement technologies for decades.
Many of these original flowmeters are still in use today, continually working to provide accurate information for the process industry.
From time to time, these units require testing and calibration to ensure that the data they generate is

Many of our customers have commented on the cost and inconvenience in having to send their flowmeters to calibration houses that specialized in many different products but did not have first-hand knowledge in these specific instruments.

As a result, our technical team designed and manufactured a water flowmeter calibration system here on site. The same professionals you came to with your application questions and provided you with a flowmeter solution, can now calibrate those same units in our ISO 9001 certified facility. Contact Davis Controls to speak with someone to book your calibration today. 

Davis Controls Celebrates 90 Years

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