Davis Controls – Accessibility For Ontarians With Disabilities Policies

Our Commitment

Davis Controls Limited is committed to ensuring that we provide a safe, welcoming, barrier-free and accessible environment for our employees, customers, prospects, suppliers, job applicants, visitors and others who enter our premises to do business with us. We are committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our goods and services and allowing them to benefit from the same service, in the same place and in a similar way as other stakeholders who enter our premises, do business with us, access our website or communicate with us.

Davis Controls welcomes and encourages applications from people with disabilities. Accommodations are available upon request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process.


In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, (AODA) Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Davis Controls Limited is committed to providing accessible goods or services to all of our customers. We are dedicated to providing goods or services that can be accessed in an equitable manner, as all of our customers are valued. Furthermore, no customer should expect to have to make any additional effort to access our goods or services or use an alternate process in which the goods or services can be accessed.


Communication is an integral part of our customer service commitment. Davis Controls Limited is dedicated to making reasonable efforts to take into account our customers’ specific needs when communicating with them. Davis Controls Limited clearly understands that communication styles vary and that not all persons with the same disability use the same communication modalities. Therefore, Davis Controls Limited has made every effort to ensure that our employees take this into consideration and, when unsure, to always ask our customers how best to communicate with them.

Davis Controls Limited will train its employees who have direct interaction with our customers, on how to most effectively interact and communicate with persons with disabilities.

Telephone Service

Davis Controls Limited is committed to providing telephone services to our customers. We will make reasonable efforts to provide accessible telephone service to our customers. We will train employees to communicate over the telephone in clear and plain language. We will offer to communicate with customers via mail, fax, email, or web access if telephone communication is not suitable for their needs.

Assistive Devices

We will ensure that our staff are trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our goods or services.

Service Animals and Support Persons

Davis Controls Limited employees, volunteers and third-party contractors shall accommodate the use of service animals and support persons by customers with disabilities who are accessing our services and facilities. At no time will a person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person be prevented from having access to his or her support person while on the Company’s premises.

Service Disruptions

In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services or facilities for customers with disabilities, Davis Controls will notify customers promptly. This clearly posted notice will include information about the reason for the disruption and its anticipated length of time. This notice will be placed at the location and on the website.

Staff Training

To make certain that we provide goods and services in an accessible manner, Davis Controls Limited will provide training to all employees who deal with customers. Training is also provided to persons responsible for the development of our customer service policies, practices and procedures. The training includes the following:

  • An overview of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the customer service standards
  • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities
  • How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or support person
  • How to use the alternative means to help provide goods or services to people with disabilities
  • What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing Davis Controls Limited goods and services
  • The Company’s policies, practices and procedures relating to this Ontario Accessibility Customer Service Standards

Feedback Process

The ultimate goal of Davis Controls Limited is to meet and surpass customer expectations while serving customers with disabilities. Comments on our services regarding how well those expectations are being met are welcome and appreciated.

Feedback regarding the way Davis Controls Limited provides goods and services to people with disabilities in Ontario can be made verbally in person, by phone, by email or by fax. All feedback will be directed to the Human Resource Manager. Customers can expect to hear back in ten business days.

In Person or by Telephone
2200 Bristol Circle
Oakville ON L6H 5R3
Call, (905) 829-2000, Fax: 905-829-2630
e-mail: Attn: Executive Assistant


Davis Controls Limited is committed to developing customer service policies that respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. Therefore, no changes will be made before considering the impact on people with disabilities.

Questions About This Policy

If anyone has a question about our policy, or if the purpose of a policy is not understood, please contact the Executive Assistant

More information can be found at:

Our Accessibility Compliance Report can be found here

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